Pohang: POSCO Museum
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
jaostranderKnowles addresses emergency response in the sense that if regulations would have been previously put in place and enforced prior to a disaster, the emergency response to the disaster wouldn't be as drastic.
jaostranderThis article has been referenced and discussed in a variety of different articles pertaining to disaster recovery and psychopathology.
jaostranderThe film best addresses any layperson interested in enviromental policy, healthcare, or military affairs.
jaostranderThis system would be difficult to work with because it publicises patient's conditions even if it does not directly identify who they are. Some of the diseases or conditions these patients are faced with can be considered humiliating and while the intent of the app is to be educational, a healthcare professionals are faced with the ethical decision as to whether or not post the picture of their patient. A guideline Figure 1 outlines is that before taking and posting a picture the provider should have consent from the patient. Hospitals, clinics, agency, ect. are also faced with whether to allow their members to engage in these activities as patient confidentiality could be called into question.
Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.