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I used my already existing knowledge of the UN's structure and purpose to further synthesize the role and ability of the UN Special Envoy to Haiti. I also followed up on what sort and amount of aid US AID has been giving to Haiti. From their website, I discovered that they have donated $4.2 billion to date and have assisted in improving legal protections for vulnerable populations. Finally, I followed up on the fact that at press-time, the UN had not admitted responsibility for the cholera outbreak. I found a New York Time article dated 17 AUG 16 that says they had and are making significant new actions toward improving the situation.



This study has let the news agencies to have a new term to report with the articles that relevant to public health and mass imprisonment when introducing contents to the general publics. The data and observations been made within the epidemiological study has assisted the new articles to explain the incarcerated group in a more colloquial and easy understanding way.

“When public health authorities talk about an epidemic, they are referring to a disease that can spread rapidly throughout a population, like the flu or tuberculosis.

But researchers are increasingly finding the term useful in understanding another destructive, and distinctly American, phenomenon — mass incarceration.” […]

“Since the 1970s, the correctional population in the US has ballooned by 700 percent.  This phenomenon is often referred to as mass incarceration.” […]

Professional uses citations:




From the links provided within the article, relevant information about Hurricane Katrina can be viewed with the commentary and archival articles that published in The New York Times that written by other authors.

Also the author has made in contact with Memorial Medical Center in Uptown New Orleans to focus on the investigation into the detail situations happened with the floodwaters. Afterwards, gained more information on the lethal injection issues.





This organization doesn't get involved with legislation in the regions in which they are operating. They instead focus on providing care to those affected by any number of disasters or calamities. This focus shows that they are more concerned about the immediate well-being of their patients than trying to influcence local governments to make policy changes.



As mentioned in an earlier annotation, the bibliography shows a great deal of primary and secondary sources as well as other analyses, showing that this article was produced like many other historical research peices - the author uses historical perspective to frame a period in the reader's mind, which allows them to further argue their point.



The kind of technology and/or infrastructure that they rely on are one big road map. Having an eye on each area as a whole not only helps the organization aide in seeing where the problem relys, but also has the commuities be able to keep an eye out to pinpoint the exacy areas that have the problems. This also helps by not only the organizations but also the communities being able to come up with better and quicker solutions.



Due to the mass destruction of the area, the first few days’ data were not able to collect (not  only the destruction, but the rescue was the first priority). Therefore, the scientific committee  used models to simulate and analyse the data (might not be accurate on the early stage). After  the rescue, many countries have provided data to assist the works. For the long‐live radioactive  substances, the data was able to collect with the ground soils. Furthermore, prediction can be  made with the pass experiences and the basic models.