Andreas_RebmannEMS protocol for spit
Usual punishments for abuse by Police
Other stories of similar events
EMS protocol for spit
Usual punishments for abuse by Police
Other stories of similar events
Doctors without Borders has facilities in many countries already established for humanitarian aid. For instance, they had been in Haiti since 1991, so their assistance in 2010 was aided by their already established position there. In that case they upped their projects within the country in response to the disaster.
UNSCEAR 2013 Report: The Fukushima Accident This report is published by The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). It is to evaluate and report the levels and the effects of exposure on the ionising radiation.
The personal stories of the event, especially of the one paramedic whose name I didn't catch (Hispanic, Female). The emotional tellings of the events were incrediably visceral. I cannot conceive a scenario worse than what they had to deal with.
This convention has instructed clear enough for the first responders (i.e. the involving states) to get into action with any possible nuclear hazards reporting. For the technical professionals, the main webpage of the convention documents has a related resources column that assist them to gain relevant information with emergency responses via updated visualized data etc.
The policy can assist the control to water contamination, therefore improve the general public health. “The hazmat team identified the need to collect the water used to decontaminate the victims (deconwater) to avoid a release to the environment.”
-“…since the era in which demand for foreign labor made immigration a social necessity seem so remote, the immigrant’s body was entirely legitimized through its function as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by illness or accident.” – Succinctly captures modern views of illness of foreigners.
-Unless his presence constitutes a threat to public order, any foreigner habitually resident in France whose health is such that he requires medical treatment the lack of which could lead to exceptionally serious consequences, and provided that he is effectively unable to receive appropriate treatment in his country of origin, will be granted a temporary residence permit validated ‘for private and family life.’” Ordinance of November 2, 1945; modified on May 11, 1998 to bring into line with the European Convention of Human Rights
-“Should we accept ‘getting our hands dirty’ by agreeing to work with the immigrants’ service of the prefect’s office on the difficult issue of deportations?” asked Charles Candillier, a medical officer in the Seine-Saint-Denis Directorate of Healthy and Social Welfare, in an internal memo. His answer is crystal clear: “Although we recognize the ethical ambiguities of the situation, we did agree, on the grounds that our intervention could only be beneficial in helping to prevent arbitrary explusions.”
The program itself is mainly funded by Handicap-International and USAID. For the other projects related to Haiti’s aftermath reconstruction are supported by AFD, ECHO, UN etc.
Local and surrounding areas has turned their heads to think about the disaster and health for the communities. Perth Amboy, has three outfalls, and the city is continually trying to improve ways in which upgrade their water systems. The plans being implaced are for long term, so the only way to help implement them to make them work is for the to start right now. There are so many communities that have to be dealt with so starting now was the best thing to do, thought out by them.
It creates a history and a better undestanding of the events that affected so many people on the East coast. It also compares the two storms to exhibit in both cases there were things we could have done better.