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The rise and emergence of infectious diseases has led to a number of puclic health "scares" over the years. The creation of national and international frameworks, as well as focus groups, has brought the struggle of infectious diseases like AIDS to light. Looking at diseases with the combined inputs of governmental and philanthropic organizations has had a positive influence on the fight against them. In the realm of bioterrorism, many factors are at play. First is the terrorist act itself and the social issues that lead to a terrorist being created. Then there is themethod, which is the numerous diseases that can be weaponized. These diseases are researched at the government level as potential additions to the arsenal of weapons a country has. However, they are also used at the individual level. With highly educated individuals and any number of social ideologies, the risk for bioterrorism increases. By looking at bioterrorism through the lens of both a social expert and scientist, the roots of bioterrorism can be examined. 

The causes for these examinations are events that have had a largescale effect on multiple levels of expertise. These "focusing events" have a lot of factors and players, and thus require a lot of different views to analyze, as the article argues. 



The aim of OSHA is to assure the safety and working conditions (prevent workers from being killed or seriously harmed at work []) for either the public or private sectors workers and employers by referring to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The content of the act is reach through the works by training, education and assistance. This act has a coverage to all 50 states and the outer continental shelf lands.


Annotation of

Emergency responders as a unique group aren't discussed or portrated in the film. However, the doctors had to take on the role of emergency responders often, while not neccesarily being emergency doctors. The question in the film became whether or not the doctors were prepared for these roles, and if they had the energy to dedicate to them. Some doctors burn out, and others thrive, but regardless they are challenged to make sacrifices that emergency responders often must decide on. 



The vulnerable population in this study has highlighted the lack of health facilities and health care that deal with incarcerated group. And furthermore to resulted in a worse situation in the health quality. “…leaving the addicted subject to withdrawal during incarceration and more vulnerable to overdose upon release.” [pg. 5] That is incarceration looks like providing protective health to the general public, but afterwards it becomes a health risk to the publics once the incarcerated group been released from the prisons and jails.



The article uses a combination of sources, such as research, epidemiology, and "ethnograpic portrayals" by affected individuals. These are compared to form a comprehensive view of the aftermath of Katrina, and how the government was not prepared to address the large scale relief efforts neccessary. 



The policy is drafted based on the request of CWIRT (Chemical Weapons Improved

Response Team) that concerning the first responders’ liability during a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorist incident. It is about the first responders’ liability for

spreading contamination while attempting to save lives.



"The violence broke out when the patient spit at the Emergency Service Unit officers and swore at them. The officers responded by hitting him in the face, hauling him off the stretcher to the ground and then tossing him back on the stretcher, the EMTs said in written statements submitted to the FDNY."

""Three cops began to punch the patient in the face, EMS (had) to get in the middle of it to intervene. Pt's. wounds and injuries cleaned in the (ambulance)," the report said"



Yes they have a way in plan to help address this issue to be resolved over the next couple years. Working with the commission, the students to help create better and improved ways to deal with sewage waste. Already there is a "solids and floatables" control that has been in place, which has significantly helped reduce the space that trash and other objects to not take up space that could be used by the water flow. This has also reduced the amount of trash that was getting dumped into waterways.