Data Tools, Apps, and Maps
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s maps, tools, data browsers, and dashboards on energy in the US.
Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by State, 2005-2016
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s analysis of factors that lead to a state’s carbon emission profile using data on energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by state, 2005-2016.
U.S. State Energy Profiles and Energy Estimates
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s store and ranking of U.S. energy profiles by state.
PECE Tutorial: Annotation
A tutorial for annotating artifacts and essays in PECE.
St. Louis Anthropocene: Energy Tech
jradams1ENERGY TECH: In April of 2018, Ameren, a Midwestern based power company, announced a 12 week energy tech incubation program. The incubation program was funded and developed through a partnership between the University of Missouri St. Louis, UMSL Accelerate (a tech incubator), Capital Investors (venture captialists), and Ameren (a Midwest power company). These sorts of partnerships, with their emphasis on innovation in the electric utility energy mark a recent and significant change in the way utilities futures are being structured and imagined. See this Q&A with Brian Dixon, the Chief Operating Officer of Capital Investors.
Bibliography of Quotidian Anthropocene: Austin, USA.