erin_tuttleThe report was written on the behalf of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation as a summary of their sixtieth session. The summary was written to be read to the United Nations General Assembly. The scientific data reported was collected by independent teams working on behalf of the Committee.
erin_tuttleThe film focuses on differing outlooks on death from terminal illness, to accept certain inevitabilities and place importance on the quality of life rather than the time remaining as opposed to the traditional medicine approach of fighting until the last moment to extend life.
erin_tuttleThe educational program in Haiti organized by Handicap International aims to train citizens of Haiti for careers as rehabilitation technicians and orthopedic technicians. The program is designed to provide a recognized degree allowing graduates to work as technicians under the supervision of physical therapists and orthopedic doctors.
erin_tuttleThe article has been referenced nearly two dozen times in various articles focusing on feminism, gender, and the intersection between politics and medicine.
erin_tuttleThe article mentioned a proposed framework for health threats of security created by the World Health Organization, I did some research on the organization in order to understand their approach to emergency response as outlined the their Health Emergencies Program.
Recent developments in life sciences and bioengineering were cited several times throughout the article as having the potential to be a health risk. I looked at the headline research being done in those areas to better understand how health risks may be changing.
The article mentioned an unsuccessful vaccination program meant to prevent a smallpox outbreak, I looked into the history of that as a way of considering the preventative aspects of disaster response.
erin_tuttleThe article highlights large gaps in existing research concerning violence against health care workers in environments were the political and cultural atmosphere affects security in complex and unstudied ways. The article argues that the lack of research is partly due to discrepancies between public opinion, government opinion, and academic review makes understanding the causes of violence and risks to health workers challenging. The article suggests that an effort on the part of aid organizations to make their data easily accessible along with greater funding and academic interest the motives behind violence against health workers could be better understood.
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