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The article focused on treatment and prevention of diseases affecting communities, however I was interested in the initial causes of these epidemics in places that were originally free of disease. I read an article “The Tipping Point” published in the New York Times that explained multiple social theories as to how epidemics begin, using Baltimore as a case study.

I looked into the stated mission and some of the work done by the Partners in Health, as they are a group that responds to epidemics. It was interesting to see that they focus not on immediate emergency response but instead on creating lasting infrastructure to gradually stop epidemics, as well as educating locals on how to react to future emergencies of the same nature.

The article mentions that clinicians are not trained to see social issues as they are so commonplace in everyday life as to become invisible, I felt that was a limited mindset and read an article written by Doctors for America. The article showed that while it is true that comparatively little time is spent on social issues during a doctor’s education, clinicians dealing directly with patients clearly recognize social conditions effecting health. The article suggests that the lack of attention on those issues in the medical field is not due to ignorance but rather the lack of an existing system through which individual doctors can report their experiences and work towards a solution.



Emergency response is addressed in terms of post-incident humanitarian aid, dealing with how to identify and help victims of sexual violence without politicizing their situations to the point of forcing them to relive their trauma or making them feel separated from other people receiving aid.



The article referenced many other papers that focus on the modern health threats due to scientific advancement, the spread of disease in modern society, and on the current approach to health prevention and the response to epidemics. This suggests that the paper was a culmination of ideas that did not include new research or data.



There are seven authors on this project, all of whom are connected to research institutes or universities. The project was primarily written by individuals associated with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which has a good reputation.



The argument is mainly supported by historical examples of structural failures and the subsequent investigations. The post incident investigation tactics, or lack thereof, discussed support the argument that disasters require an existing structure for authority and procedure. The 1814 Burning of the Capitol Building is an example of an unrestricted investigation that had a successful ending, the building was reconstructed. The 1850 Hauge St. Explosion shows how a joint investigative team without proper distribution of expertise and responsibility leads to an incomplete investigation.  Finally, the 1903 Iroquois Theater Fire is an example of a modern investigation process that utilized available knowledge and resources effectively.



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This policy has significant implications as to the future of EMS and fire response, if it became common to carry firearms while on duty. While there are safety benefits, and EMS personnel in Bethel Township say they are also more confident knowing they could defend themselves, it is important to recognize that police have extensive training and protocols on when and how to safely use their firearms. Police should still respond to EMS calls if there is any suspicion that the scene may be unsafe. Additionally, the knowledge that calling an ambulance also means calling several people who may be armed could negatively affect the public opinion of EMS. EMS is here to help the public, and for this to be successful those in need have to feel safe calling 911.


  • “Sometimes the foreigner, too, is no more than his body, but this body is no longer the same: useless to the political economy, it now finds its place in a new moral economy that values suffering over labor and compassion more than rights.”
  • “The compassion protocol is thus a procedure of the last resort that derives from a form of sympathy evoked in the face of suffering. It demands the right to keep alive individuals who have nothing except their mere existence.”
  • “the medical officers were caught between the duties mandated to them by the public institution that employed them and those their profession required them to respect”


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The app allows users to download compatible software which streamlines the data compilation process. While raw data is accessibly, the app’s stated goal is to streamline the data into comprehensible statistics and results that can be used for informed decision-making, to this end the data is presented to the user with initial mathematical analysis already completed by the system.



The policy effects vulnerable populations as it deals with those injured, displaced, or otherwise effected by a disaster. While the act doesn’t specifically effect a population that is currently vulnerable, individuals displaced by a disaster are dependent on the help of relief organizations and their community. This leaves them incredibly vulnerable and in need of the support systems detailed in this policy.