Deficiency of Shelter Beds for LA’s Homeless
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
Peopling a project with LA Homelessness/Shelter Beds
Competing Hegemonies with LA Homeless/Shelter Beds
Mapping subject positions with LA Homelessness/Shelter beds
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
Numbers of homeless within each southern California county and the number of shelter beds available.
The number of homeless continues to grow, yet the number of shelter spaces available is still incredibly low.
The Homeless Population is scattered all over LA city proper and LA county, but skid row is the most popular place known for the homeless in LA.
EPA is doing its best to try and minimize the extend of the air pollution in Newark. They are trying to make life better for the ironbound community, that deals with a big problem when it comes to air pollution, since its near the second biggest port in the country. They provide training for citizens so they can use the machines that look up how much pollution is in the air, annd with that information the population can do as they please. This program is not only for the ironbound community, it can be use troughout the country so the population can have control on the air pollution and do something about it if they want.
Core Categories in LA Homeless/Shelter Beds