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Emily Goldmann, PhD, is a Reserach Professor at the NYU College of Global Public Health. She's an epidemioloigist and enjoys the study of the causes of mental health conditions. She's trying to spread the study of mental illness to a global scale. She studied at Columbia University and recieved her PhD from University of Michigan. 

Sandro Galea, MD, DPH, is a Dean at Boston University. His work focuses on causes of brain disorders and sociological effects on urban population's health.



I can't really find any concise information in regards to the IIPNW having direct publications or legislation passed. They seem as more of an organization that compiles information, and presents at global colloquiums in order to swy opinions for preventions of escalation. They also have many outreach programs for new physicians that help support the idea of nuclear prevention. 



The biggest stake holders in this are TEPCO, the Japanese Prime Minister, and the people of Japan are the largest stakeholders. There were many decisions made such as evacuation, releasing steam, pouring water, and leaving the fukushima fifty behind. Nobody was left without making a tough decision.


Annotation of

"Data collection: Gather submissions from anyone, anytime, anywhere"

"Data management: Manage and triage reports with filters and workflows"

"Data visualization: Map submissions and chart what happened"

"Automatic alerts: Receive alerts about changes and update"

"Enterprise systems:Let our team help you build and scale your deployment"



The main point of this article was to illustrate the severity of the super storm Irene. It shows the stressed and frantic thought process and procedures before the storm. In addition, it shows the aftereffects of the storm and how many different places and people were affected greatly thoughout the East coast. These points are supported by quotes, statistics and overall analysis of the super storm itself.