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Leigh Campoamor 2019 There's An App For That

Telecom company in Colombia; app for shallow digital activism about child labor; shallow translation of universal value into local context; community created among new digital activists as children

Dinah Rajak 2011 Theatres of Virtue

Indices and award ceremonies that measure, rank, verify, and celebrate CSR; rhetoric about the incompetence of "3rd world" governments; support of celebrities and colonizer-country government entit

Pun et. al. 2019 Challenging Digital Capitalism

Suicides at Foxconn factories around 2010 in China; activism; resignifying as structural rather than individual aberrations and psychologizing narratives; scholarship to engage the conditions of th

Nora Kenworthy 2014 A Manufactu(RED) Ethics

Product (RED) garment manufacturing in Lesotho; ethical production zone; factory clinics providing free HIV treatment and other healthcare at a cost; performance of inspections when the conditions