Citizen science and stakeholders involvement
Metztli hernandezCITIZEN SCIENCE
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
This video is for the conference on “Heath, Environment, and Education in Challenging Times” (2020). It is contributed by Mengyi Zhang and Louisa Hain.
The platform enables sharing of medical cases and discussion through a HIPAA compliant system.
The NYS Ebola Preparedness Plan was a multilateral set of guidelines and protocols set forth by the Office of the Governor of the State of New York in anticipation of a potential outbreak of the ebola virus disease, also known as ebola hemorrhagic fever, in the State of New York. The stated goal of the policy was to prevent the further transmission and spread of the disease in the event of a isolated cases. The policy included guidelines for isolation, quarantine, treatment, and transportation, and involved numerous organizations, including various hospitals, EMS agencies, public safety departments, and transportation authorities.
The primary function of the US Department of Veterans Affairs is to provide benefits and support military veterans following their time in service. Although benefits have been provided to military veterans since the Revolutionary War, the VA administration was formally founded in 1930. The department now provides healthcare, insurance, education, financial assistance, and burial/memorial service to military veterans and their families.
In presenting the case of Riker's Island, the author cites numerous sources, including government officials, government agencies, industry experts, photos and maps of the island and facilities, activist groups, and two former inmates.
In this article, the author discusses the Chernobyl disaster and its impact on those who were exposed to the nuclear radiation. Moreover, she discusses the healthcare, disaster aid, and financial aid that were provided or withheld from those who survived and were affected by the disaster. The author highlights the interaction of emergency response, politics, healthcare, and economics.
The IPPNW is a non-partisan federation of various national medical groups from over 63 countries. The organization represents physicians, medical students, healthcare professionals, and other concerned stakeholders.
Looking back at 2020, COVID-19 unleashed a global pandemic that sweeps across the world. It was unexpected to see China emerging as a winner of this pandemic.