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Alexi Martin

The main point of the article is despite the positive impact doctors/nurses and those who advocate against Ebola, many of the citizens in remote areas do not trust those who have the resources to 'cure' or to eradicate the illness, instead they believe that these workers bring diease. Some resort to violence  to reaffirm this point through stoning healthcare workers and even killing them. This article exposes the issues on treating an epidemic, the 'growing pains' of helping thrid world countries and the dark side of helping others. The article is supported through direct quotes from healthcare workers as evidence (stats) and quotes from people that live in West Africa.


Alexi Martin

The policy was drafted by senator Bob Hernadez and Carolyn Maloney as well as 9.11 victims and survivors and for Mr. Zadragra whose death is considered the 'first' death as a direct cause of 9.11. Others who drafted the bill was senators Schuner, with members of Congres Nalder and King and the president of the interantional association of fighter fighters Harold Schittgerer.