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In the case of this study, the vulnerable population examined was healthcare workers in Sierra Leone during the outbreak. These workers were found to be at a significant level of risk for transmission for a number of reasons. These include proximity to the virus (due to the occupation), lack of training in the area of infection control, and cultural factors (such as prevalence of self-medication and home management of illness). Nurses as a whole were most affected, with over half of the infected members. 



Users interact with the app through video recording in most cases, some of the apps prompt the user to speak and certain times while others are simply a way to send a help message to multiple people quickly. Many of the apps notify the user of a recording that proves they gave consent or that consent was specifically not given, as the apps purpose is to prevent sexual assault and awareness of a recording may prevent an incident from occurring.



Several historical examples are used including the burning of the US Capital in 1814, the Hague St. explosion in 1850, and the Iroquois theater fire in 1903. The article uses examples that were in the public awareness at the time of the disaster in order to exemplify the many agents pressuring investigators to make a rapid and acceptable decision including the public, the government, and the businesses effected.


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This policy allows Bethel Township, Ohio, paramedics and firefighters to carry concealed firearms on the job under existing gun and concealed carry laws. The implementation of this policy allows for each paramedic to decide if they want to carry a firearm and includes special training for anyone who decides to carry their personal firearm while on duty. The article states that paramedics and firefighters had been the victim of several attacks in which the 911 caller faked a medical condition or reported a fire in order to attack or kidnap the responders. This policy aims to provide a sense of security to responders as well as a means of defending themselves should the situation arise.


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The film looks at the work of MSF as an immediate relief effort, without too much in terms of long term sustainability. The doctors discuss this and how they can leave the clinic with some form of ongoing care, but that the infrastructure of the country itself does not support long term medical facilities. They look at it as an immediate fix to a forever existing problem. MSF is only there to help while they are there.



The article does not address emergency response, rather it dealt with public health and the government’s responsibility for the health of immigrants. A significant part of public health is the allocation and availability of resources, which differs based on country. The argument made is that the available medical resources in France should be used to assist those who do not have access in their countries. Unfortunately, there remains the responsibility to the citizens of France to provide access to any and all resources necessary for their health which necessitates denying treatment to some immigrants. The issues faced by the government and public health interests is how to balance those moral obligations, which is discussed in the article.