Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective
This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
ciera.williamsIn the aftermath of the hurricane, numerous issues arose for the evacuated citizens of New Orleans.First, the immediate affects of lack of access were apparent, such as lack of schooling, pharmacies, and employment. Then psychological affects appeared as people were told they couldn't return home, even if they were minimally damaged. The combined affects of the physical and mental conditions, combined with the lack of physicians and psychiatrists, led to a massive instability in the people.
The government further exacerbated this instability by providing limited resources and shelter for victims. More exactly, the resources and shelter were unevenly distributed to the victims, favoring white mid- to upper-class citizens. The funds that otherwise should have gone to essential care facilities and housing, were unseen by the people. Promises of finanicial aid were never fulfilled, and no legislation (such as that in the wake of 9/11) was passed to support victims.
This leads to the creation of "disaster capitalsim" in which private companies benefit from the disaster and state-of-emergency, raising prices and suspending insurance policies. Poor government oversight of the private sector created deficiencies and health crises.
The article concludes by suggesting the response to Katrina be examined to prevent the same mistakes from occuring in the future. However, there is a lack of optimism, as the system of response is ingrained into American Society.
xiaoxAmerica Red Cross is funded by donation and government will offer support. People can donate online such as monthly donation and dedicate as gift to someone. As well as donate by Mail, by calling and text.
ciera.williamsThe article explores the effects of society, politics, and science on the diagnosis/treatment of medical conditions in the wake of Chernobyl's nuclear disaster. The article looks into the complex development of a system of compensation and benefits for victims of the disaster, and how people became dependent on the system for their basic needs.
xiaoxThe lack of resource and supporting for mental health and also little actions for the emergency. Especially in many Aboriginal communities which are high rates of poverty, ill health and family breakdown. Media reports reported that Children and youth are most at risk and influenced by these factors.
ciera.williamsFDNY- the fire department for New York City. Their EMTs were the witnesses of the incident
Patient - confused and emotionally disturbed; spitted and swore at them
NYPD- four of their officers beat a patient who became combative
xiaox- It is impressed that combine the storytelling, case vignette and the science actual method.
- Another point is that there is low-evidence and data for medical and psychiatric clinic treatment.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT is a psychosocial intervention and it is used to treat specific problems related to a diagnosed mental disorder.
ciera.williamsA policy from Bethel Township in Ohio allows EMS personnel on duty to carry firearms if they have a concealed carry permit through the state. The goal is protection in scenarios where the scene is not known to be unsecure prior to arrival by EMS.