Visualizing Geita
Million Dollar Hod Project Report on Policing in LA Schools
ACLU report on school policing in the state of California
Website for the Southern California branch of the The American Civil Liberties Union
UCLA research project mapping out LA policing statistics
LA Unified School Police Website
The data acquired in this study can be used not only for improvement in policies and training for healthcare workers, but also to examine the risk factors for the disease. One example is the age and gender disparities in those nfected. These could be explained by the typical age and gender of healthcare workers, but could also show a trend in risk when coupled with patient data. The data on the districts and their infection rates can be used to help pinpoint the origin of infection.
The policy was created in response to adverse health effects of the 9/11/2001 attacks in NYC. The act is an ammendment ot the Public Health Service Act.
Artisanal or Snall Scale Mining in Geita.