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Formosa Plastics and Whitney Plantation: EPA

Essay details the EPA's role in compliance with Formosa's attempt to build the proposed facility. Articles detail community meetings with EPA members, and an EIS investigation of Formosa.

Plantations History Whitney

This collection offers detailed history and personal accounts of Whitney plantation, giving context to Formosa's attempts to purchase the land as well as providing critical commentary to these atte

Formosa Plastics and Whitney: Fraud

This collection of news articles details the fraudulent activity of local officials in connection to Formosa, detailing the trial proceedings and findings. 



This study was published in 1998 in the American Journal of Community Psychology. It is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on research devoted to community psychology. Community psychology attempts to place an individual's context within communities/community structure and in society. This includes quality of life for certain individuals, populations, and communities. The impact factor is only about 2, indicating that the journal is infrequently cited and does not have the prowess of larger journal publications.