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This article argues that the creation of an international nuclear emergency response group would be an important undertaking due to the global increases in the nuclear industries. The article also establishes some of the chalenges that would be faced in forming, staffing, training, and operating the group.



The central argument of the film is that healthcare professionals are for the most part believe that they can defeat most diseases, and that they consider not being able to fix something a failure on their part. As such, they are not trained well in handling palliative and end-of-life care, prioritizing the patients wishes and dignity over putting up a fight against the disease.


  • Hellmuth Kaiser, a psychoanalyst who imparted his wisdom through a fictional case portrayed in a stage play.
  • Oxford University Press began publishing a journal devoted to case reports.
  • Dr. Bech and his co­author, Lone Lindberg, they point out spontaneous recovery from panic and depression late in life is rare.
  • Dr. Havens, his approach that sitting beside the patient metaphorically and looking outward, hand­crafting interventions on the spot.



This article utilizes excerpts from interviews to illustrate the story narrative of an illness, showing how emotion and values are reflected in the creation of a "plot" of the narrative, and uses statistics and broader research to analize these stories from a broader, more societal perspective. 



There are many other cases shows that violence of the officers and prisoners. It is about the ethical and institution.

The article is not shows too much details of the case and process, its description might be lead reader to a deviation.


Annotation of

With every new disaster it faces, the ARC draws much on its own research and the experiances of the Global Red Cross. Recent major domsetic disasters the ARC has faced include Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy, 



I looked into the history of the MSF, the Congo Republic's Civil War, and international policy regarding the treatment of sexual and gender based violance in the humanitarian community, including the security council legislation refereced in the article.



The citations found in this article's bibliography tell us that the information presented was drawn from various research articles about past responses to large disease outbreaks, and public health policies regarding topics such as food safety and bioweapons. This article is an interpertation of existing information, and does not seem to provide any new research.



This article are main to referre to the Haiti's government, United Nations and USAID. Haiti's government is continuing political turmoil, and it influenced the organisation for the rebuilding after the earthquake. The government exploits the donation for children vaccination rates and HIV treatment in post disaster. These actions and auttitudes break the deals between other organisations' supporting. Due to these reasons, U.N. persuade member nations to reduce the supporting. Therefore, the restore after the disaster and cholera are so slow. USAID is United States agency for international development, and it has donated Haiti $1.5 billion since earthquake, but Haiti's people are not really can get the support.