Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
[put a description of your project here!]
[put a description of your project here!]
A coalition of churches, synagogues, mosques, and cultural organizations located in the Inland Empire. Unfortunately, without any up-to-date number of members in this coalition.
For the org. there is a spiritual connection linking the desert landscapes and religious beliefs. Their primary focus is congregating more groups around environmental hazards in desert lands.
The organization is looking for a “new dimension and depth” in the discussion about the environmental crisis. Engaging in different fields:
Desert Stewardship Project is an interfaith coalition dedicated to protecting the deserts of California.
The article establishes background information as to what a "narartive" of an illness is and how patients perceive their illnesses. The article makes use of an example of patients stories who suffer from epilepsy in Ankara and it uses statistics from studies in the Ankara region.
The study used ultrasound to detect if there was cancerous masses in the subjects thyroid. If cancer was detected subjects underwent surgerical treatments.
The main point of this article is that because of political and economic issues/ disagreements the people of Haiti continue to suffer from cholera and help is not in the near future. The author supports this point by bringing up statistics from the political turmoil of Haiti's government, money and support the UN has given, money from USAID, and support from the Health Ministry.