EiJ Question 3: Environmental Health Vulnerability
3. What intersecting factors -- social, cultural, political, technological, ecological -- contribute to environmental health vulnerability and injustice in this setting?
3. What intersecting factors -- social, cultural, political, technological, ecological -- contribute to environmental health vulnerability and injustice in this setting?
2. What environmental threats (from worst case scenarios, pollution and climate change) are there in this setting?
1. What is the setting of this case?
Collection of films and supplementary material for teaching Environmental Injustice.
I am currently in the process of transitioning my M.A. level course on Science, Technology, and Development with 11 students to virtual instruction. One of my interests in engaging with COVID-19 is to examine how it (should) informs development ideologies and practices. How should students of development studies retool -- conceptually, methodologically, practically -- in wake of the pandemic?
Hsin-Hsing (Dico) Chen, Paul Jobin, and Yi-Ping Lin have for almost two decades supported the first collective action toxic tort in Taiwanese history, Former RCA Employees’ Mutual Aid Association v
Chapter 8 of Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World (edited by Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas, 2016) was co-authored by Paul Jobin and Yu-Hwei Tseng.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe how critical data designers have created projects that ‘push back’ against the eclipse of environmental problems by dominant orders: the pioneering pollution da