EiJ Hazard: PFAS
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
I hope to be involved in projects that aim to gather scientific evidence to inform environmental decision making and advocate for greater equity and justice in environmental governance. Through this work, I hope to learn the skills needed to engage in community based research and leverage community knowledge as expert knowledge. In my department, things are often siloed and issues are only seen through one perspective. I really want to gain more experience in collaborating with a wide array of stakeholders to come up with approaches to mitigate the environmental injustices experienced in under-resourced communities.
The article discusses the "compassion protocols" of France, the laws that allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country and get treated for diseases. They will not be deported and if they are incurable, then their housing costs will be paid for. It brings up politics that are very different from that in America, as far as what people are entitiled to. To be allowed to stay, one must apply to the government and wait to be accepted or denied. In cases of doubt, the individual was supposed to be accepted.
The information in this study can be used to offer help to couples after disasters, as it shows that counseling may be needed to help aleviate some of the issues at hand. While counseling may not be readily available with all of the other disaster relief that is going on, it should be reconized as something that may be necessary to help the recovery process and ensure greater safety.
Emergency response is discussed in the following quote:
"One such intervention, psychological debriefing or critical incident stress debriefing, was developed in the 1980s for emergency responders and has been used with other victims of trauma (46). The technique is applied within 48 h of the traumatic event, during which victims are asked to describe the event and their emotional responses to it in detail. They are also given suggestions of methods to relieve stress (12). Intervention studies, however, have found that this method does not prevent psychopathology and, by strengthening memories of the traumatic event, may impair the natural recovery process and even worsen symptoms (44). Therefore, it is no longer recommended in the immediate aftermath of traumatic event exposure (12, 49)."
This quote shows that the psychological needs of first responders are also considered, not just those of the people who were victims. It shows a weakness in the abilities to heal people afterwards, as this method is no longer recommended. Other methods are being pursued, as the first responders of the world need support and healing too.
The authors used a lot of quotes, from survivors, politicians, scientists, and other important figures with the situation. Based on these quotes, they did research to provide the reader with additional background information or facts regarding whatever the individual was speaking about.
The author, a friend of his (also a doctor), and his practice of psychotherapy. The author is Peter Kramer. Names and organizations are not mentioned, the article is meant to be about a broad idea, not a specific case.
A GoogleDoc link to a bibliogrpahy about PFAS in Santa Ana and community-led responses