Timeline: Once is nothing at all...?
Waiting for disaster?
Table of Contents NORDIG-Study 1994 "Gesundheitsfolgeuntersuchungen des Störfalls der Hoechst AG vom 22.02.1993 : Untersuchungen des NORDIG-Instituts"
In 1994, the NORDIG Institute conducted a study on acute health effects of the Hoechst accident on children up to 12 years of age. The table of contents of the study is shown here as an example.
The intersection of disability studies and environmental justice movement
ATroitzschI think what is very striking in this text, is the author puts her perspective of the disability studies and uses it to draw lines from the disability studies, more particular the queer black disability studies, to the environmental justice movement. From reading the text, I think one can see, that Julia Belser is very involved in disability studies and the field of critical medicine/ psychology. The way she describes that we should turn away from always seeking to get (back) the pure nature, the healthy environment, the "healthy" body, she reminded me of the general idea of overcoming pure categories (for example Latour etc.) - and dualisms. Additionally, I think one could locate her in the area of inequality studies and the field analyzing structural violence.
Thinking about the Case Study on Industriepark Höchst (Memo)
There are three different aspects, that are important for me at the moment, when looking at our case study.
This case study report was developed by students at the Goethe University Frankfurt, for the graduate class, “Ar