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Pödelwitz got future

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Pödelwitz is an activist initiative  in the central german coal district, which is located in a village which was supposed to be evacuated for a planned expansion of a neighboring coal mine. After successfully resisting this expansion, the activists now promote social-ecological transformation in the village and the wider region. I will collaborate with them as part of my project in C-urge to study the role of justice in such transformations. Thereby we hope to arrive at an understanding of justice that is not opposed to urgent societal transformation in light of climate change, but a means of achieving this.



This study was puplished in the Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. This journal typically puplishes a variety of articles relating to medical oncology, clinical trials, radiology, surgeries, and basic research.The japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology is known for publishing high quality medical articles that relate to the Asian region.



The article uses the example of the shift of sexual vilonce from a women's right issue to a broader issue of gender violence, a description of humanitarian aid and a treating sexual violence, and the use of specific humanitarian aid efforts and the principles that guide these efforts to support he main argument. 


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This system would be difficult to work with because it publicises patient's  conditions even if it does not directly identify who they are. Some of the diseases or conditions these patients are faced with can be considered humiliating and while the intent of the app is to be educational, a healthcare professionals are faced with the ethical decision as to whether or not post the picture of their patient. A guideline Figure 1 outlines is that before taking and posting a picture the provider should have consent from the patient. Hospitals, clinics, agency, ect. are also faced with whether to allow their members to engage in these activities as patient confidentiality could be called into question.