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Alexi Martin


The article referenced historical events of health epidemics in preparing for the future. The lack of current data indicates an improvement in health security or a lack of research for this publication. The extensive quotes in this article show the knowledge and credibility of the article in how securing global health has many aspects.



Alexi Martin

The tools used to produce the data in this research article was direct accounts from those who have experienced violence in delievering health services, outside brainstorming from a research panal to discover how/why violence has occured or why it was not reported. Also interpretation from data that was put out by the WHO, MSF or other health organizations.


Alexi Martin

Emergency response is not mentioned in the article, it is briefly mentioned on how each of the disasters were handled, however the article mainly focuses on the aftermath. What had caused these disasters? And what could have been done in the future to prevent them?



It descripts the situation and problems when face the cholera epidemic. The serious problem of lacking water, hygiene and sanitation forced MSF have to take charging. The United Nations cluster system is not flexible to respond in a constantly changing environment and emergency relief. In addtion, the report shows the failure of the international promises is not match the expectation of Haitian people. It addressd to the success or failure of Humanitarian discourse is influenced by an important point which is management. The capacity deliver and the intergrity mangament can promoting the system and made a success humanitarian operation.



The platform offer many functions to audiences. The platform offer different ways to help organisations to solve propblem, such as email, calling and website-based dialogues. They will give suggestions by following the actual case. This website platform offer a space for people to put more news and opnions for helping Ebola outbreak. There are lots of case and papers can be read on website, comments and opinion can be posted, and also ask a rapid response question. There are also six sub-heading are sorted as Identifying and Diagnosing Cases, Management of the Dead, Caring for Sick, Clinical Trials/Research, Preparedness and Communication and Engagement. There are also tag on each resources to help reading. On the left side, there are five symbols can easily link to Facebook, Twitter, Printing, email or share in other ways. In addition, there is a column on the right side showing the latest resource, opinion and news.