Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde, October 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on formaldehyde.
Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde
Op-ed for October 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene, September 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on benzene.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
MA course: Life and Death in a More-Than-Human Anthropocene: Waste in and out of Pericapitalist Sites
MA course @ Institute for Cultural Anthropology & European Ethnology
Institute for Cultural Anthropology & European Ethnology
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- "Having the capacity to continue functioning after a traumatic event is common and characteristic of normal coping and adaptation"
- "The first challenge lies in identifying the correct sampling frame, which generally comprises all persons affected by the disaster. The sampling frame may be even more difficult to identify in natural disasters, when the geographic area of impact is larger and less defined."
- "These studies can help us understand what factors are associated with different courses of mental illness, which can help us identify the most vulnerable populations and inform tailored interventions"
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, led by RISE St. James.