xiaoxEbola Response Anthropology Platform is anthropologists from all over the world to providing advice by email, calls and web-based dialogues by those working for NGOs, government and international agencies. The platform help to engage with socio-cultural and political dimensions of the Ebola outbreak and build locally-appropriate interventions. There are some resistances of local culture and external health system to control the Ebola outbreak.
Zackery.WhiteThe article involves several disasters throughout American history. The article examines the similarities and differences between the events, their responses, and the policies enacted because of them. The 1814 burning Capitol Building, Hague Street boiler explosion, and the attack on the WTC in 2001 are examples used by the author. The article makes the argument that the investigations resulted in recommendations for change to policy to prevent future damage.
xiaoxLive Box is designed for emergency, therefore there should not be any skill or training for using the product. The product should be easy to use and universal.
Zackery.WhiteThis book has seemingly only been referenced by the author. The book did happen to win The Gregory Bateson Book Prize from the Society for Cultural Anthropology, and is therefore acknowledged by the professional community as being a substantial piece of literature.
xiaoxThe film portrayed the far-flung MSF experience offer people who suffered in Democratic Republic of Congo and post-conflict Liberia. They have to make decisions of who going to save because of the limited resource. Besides, they have to balance and fixed their own mentality when watching amount people dying every-day. Kiara Lepora who was the Emergency Coordinator in the mission, have mentioned that Liberia is like a big car accident, but they might cannot do something for help the people. She thought she could do well before arriving, and she said was not in to aftermath. I think they are all doing their best for helping people in the mission, and the problem is they are not as individual, they cannot stay there forever. They need to balance the thinking that they are work as a team as MSF, and it will keep going forward.
Zackery.WhiteThis article is supported with statistical studies and in-the-field interviews of clinicians and patients.
xiaox- “the immigrant’s body was entirely legitimized through its functions as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by prefect, then inscribe in a ministerial circular ion the legalization of undocumented immigrants, and finally translated into the law on entry and residence of foreigners, is of course only one of many regulatory provisions covering the granting of permits.”
- “Legal recognition of the suffering body had been established.”
- “Because the allocation of a scarce commodity was locally managed, there were wide disparities in the treatment of applications and hence inequalities of access to a right from place to place. “
Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.