Ecological Futuring Late Industrialism in Sicily
Luisa Mohr* Structural - Local Universities, Marie Curie, EU Comission, States
* internationally connected climate activism (Last Generation/Fridays for Future), permaculture movments/farms, "green" star-ups, local farmers
Temporalities of Collaboration
Luisa MohrHow can collaboration in the field be practically thought if the time frame is alreay set for three years?
Can temporalities be questioned if the temporality of neoliberal university is strcuturing the project?
njia.smithThey wanted to make the waters cleaner and help the enviroment get better.
njia.smithpeople had to find higher ground and move away from water, or large bodies of oceans. After the hurricane, communities and groups of individuals helped rebuild their homes.
njia.smithMaking sure that damaged items from the storm are cut down or demolished just in case.
njia.smithThis affected the living conditions and lifestyls of many people who were attacked and destroyed by hurricane Sandy.
njia.smithThe Lack of other helping out, and major companies not helping the community unless they are forced to.