Andreas_RebmannEmergency responders and doctors are portrayed in the film with the upmost dedication, skill, and care for life. They were portrayed as the heroes of this disaster.
Emergency responders and doctors are portrayed in the film with the upmost dedication, skill, and care for life. They were portrayed as the heroes of this disaster.
- Initially, it discusses a circular published in 1997, which addresses the problems faced by undocumented immigrants in France and the problems they face getting medical treatment, which eventually went on to turn in to law and improve the welfare of ill illegal residents. This was in the face of many years of increasing laws restricting undocumented resident’s rights in France.
- Then, it speaks of a specific plight of a French resident from Senegalese, and his request for medical attention, the avenues he had explored to get treatment, how he couldn’t return to his homeland, and how he had, in many ways, given up in the system and was relying on his failing body to arouse compassion from the government.
- Talks about how the restructuring of the French economy has changed employment needs in France; once, foreign immigrant labor powered the workforce, and made a living through their physical well-being. Now, with the decline of this type of job availability, a change was needed to how the French government deals with illness in foreign residents.
It was a movie/interactive site created by a large team of producers funded by these foundaitons:
The article has been cited 52 times according to Google Scholars. Such articles include articles on mobilities and health, long term recovery from disasters (one particularly on katrina), and the socioeconomic recovery of disasters and how it affects survivor populations.
It defines and provides provisions for Intitutes of Mental Disorders where public mental health would be addressed. It also allows for pay exclusion to those of certain ages, allowing for more treatment to those that may be more at-risk.
This policy is a federal policy and applies to all first responders in the United States.
Byron J. Good, the author of this book is currently a professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard, with his research focusing on mental health services development in Asian societies, particularly in Indonesia. He has done collaborative work with the International Organization for Migration on developing mental health services in post-tsunami and post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia. More broadly, he works on the theorization of subjectivity in contemporary societies.
Entergy Corporation - Owner of Indian Point Plant, Disaster Accountability Project - Nonprofit disaster response 'auditing' organization, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Steven Peterson - Director of Emergency Management, Ulster County, NY, Dana Smith - Dutchess County comissioner of emergency response
That humanitarian aid struggles to address gender-based violence, such as sexual assault and rape, and even as it has become more addressed and medicalised it has potential to break down in due to the neutral stance taken by foundations such as MSF.
It doesn’t appear to be particularly well-utilized in the news sector, appearing in an article in Journalist’s Resource in 2014. There was no evidence that I could find that it had been used as a source in other studies.