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Andrew Lakoff is a cultural anthropologist at University of Southern California. He studies social theory and medical anthropology.

Stephen Collier is a doctor of philosophy, derpartment of Anthropology, at the University of California Berkeley. He also studies social theory and social policy.

Both have studied policies on medical aid and global health.

Some othe rpublications:

"Vaccine Politics and the Management of Public Reason"

"Global Health Security and the Pathogenic Imaginary"

"Real-Time Biopolitics: The Actuary and the Sentinel in Global Public Health"

"Vital Systems Security: Reflexive Biopolitics and the Government of Emergency"



"The impaired body, the body unable to produce, was socially illegitimate, then."

"By analogy with the therapeutic mesasures applied at the end of life for patients suffering from illness deemed incurable, we can describe the measures and procedures devised to allow foreign patients without residence rights to stay in France, receive treatment, and have their living costs paid, as a compassion protocol."

"The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit."