Zackery.WhiteThe data is visualized in photos or photosets.
The data is visualized in photos or photosets.
The three quotations that more capture the message of the article are:
"Regardless of the specific national roadmaps, however, nuclear safety has returned to the international stage with a vengence." - I love the use of 'vengence' because it's such a powerful descriptor.
"Numerous case studieshave documented that meaningfully engaging lay communities in decisions... enable greater vigilence and raise confidence about individual emergency preparedness."
"The real challenge of a disaster involving nuclear facilities lies in how to handle the unexpected, unpredictible, utterly novel, and barely intelligible chain of events unfolding in real time."
Sheri Fink conducted an interview with one of the doctors who worked at the Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans. She also interviewed people affected by the disaster.
This is a Liability policy related to First Responders' that aims to enable first responders to aid peoples during the effects of a biological or chemical hazard without delay by allowing for first responders to ignore potential contamination spread in order to prevent loss of life. Once the situation is stabalized the previous protocols become active again in order to protect the environment and community.
This article has been referenced in 16+ anthropological papers on PMC. Most of the references are for papers that deal with references for HIV in urban communities.
It addresses concerns over safety of a potential nuclear disaster at Indian Point, as well as how many emergency response districts feel unprepared in education, manpower, and funding for prepartation and response to such an event.
Readers, however, often used the books for a different purpose:
identifying depression. Regularly, I received — and still receive — phone calls: “My
husband is just like — ” one or another figure from a clinical example.
HERE is where I want to venture a radical statement about the worth of
anecdote. Beyond its roles as illustration, affirmation, hypothesisbuilder and lowlevel
guidance for practice, storytelling can act as a modest counterbalance to a
straitened understanding of evidence.
Doctors Without Borders comes with a unique aspect of non-bias for the people they give care. Just as a hospital should have no bias, MSF has no religious affiliation, pays no attention to social classes and does not participate in political battles. This lack of bias allows for the most effect when administering emergency patient care.
On a day to day basis as a healthcare professional, this isn’t very important outside of a teaching and understanding standpoint. A disease is, first and foremost, a disease, and needs to be treated accordingly. While healthcare professionals should educate their patients about risk factors that could lead to their increased likelihood of illness, as well as understand and appreciate why some populations are more vulnerable than others, it does not assist in direct disease treatment.
The main point was to report on the incidient which occured in NY, and it was supported by quotes from a run sheet made by the EMTs as well as a statement from the FDNY.