Sara.Till1) PFA: the article currently contends that most governmental agencies use this 3-pronged approach to mitigate effects after a disaster. I'd be interested in learning which agencies do not use this approach and what their alternative strategies may be.
2) Resilience: this is a term specifically described in the article, detailing the phenomena of how some individuals manage to survive horrific disasters but are devoid of psychological symptoms after. As a relatively new concept, not much is understood at this time. However, much of PTSD, MDD, and other post-traumatic mood disorders focus on traits predisposing an individual to develop the disorder-- I'd be intrigued to know what traits (if any) predisposed resilience.
3) Cocoanut Grove night club fire: a disaster event I had never heard of, was the deadliest nightclub fire in American history. Almost 500 perished, and hundreds more were injured. This, apparently, led to a huge tightening of fire and safety protocols throughout the US