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Scott Knowles is a professor and the head of the Department of History Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Drexel University. His work specifically focuses on risk and disaster, with particular interests in modern cities, technology, and public policy. Knowles has recently released a book addressing the risks and disasters in modern America. 



This article primarily discusses the mental illnesses associated with disasters whether they be natural or instigated by humans. The article looks at mental illnesses themselves, such as PTSD, MDD, and substance abuse, and also the groups at risk for these mental illnesses. The article also breaks down the factors pre, peri, and post the disaster that can contribute to mental illness of victims, and what emergency response providers can do/provide in order to reduce these risks of mental illness. 



The argument/narrative is made and sustained by the use of Sgt. Ensminger's back story and the stories of other Marine's and their families. The film includes interviews with chemist who tested the base's water supply in the 1980's, Senate and House committee meetings, testimony from USMC Colonel, and current chemical investigations at military bases.



The author Sonja D.  Schmid is an assistant professor at Virgina Tech. She specializes in the history of technology, science and technology policy, and social studies of risk. In respect to emergency response, Schmid has studied how agencies and personnel responded to nuclear disasters in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Schmid has written many articles in regard to emergency response and nuclear disasters her most recent being: Schmid, Sonja D. "What If There's a next Time? Preparedness after Chernobyl and Fukushima - A European-American Response." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. N.p., 01 July 2016. Web. 05 Sept. 2015



This article focuses in on the cutural beliefs that influence how a patient may interpret and relay the "narrartive" of their disease. The article shows a connection  between the physical impact of a disease on a patient, how the disease is percieved in their culture, and how they describe the disease and seek treatment for it.



This study was puplished in the Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. This journal typically puplishes a variety of articles relating to medical oncology, clinical trials, radiology, surgeries, and basic research.The japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology is known for publishing high quality medical articles that relate to the Asian region.



The article uses the example of the shift of sexual vilonce from a women's right issue to a broader issue of gender violence, a description of humanitarian aid and a treating sexual violence, and the use of specific humanitarian aid efforts and the principles that guide these efforts to support he main argument.