Editing with Contributor
Editing with Contributor
Air pollution has been a problem within Newark due to it being surrounded by industries and constantly being driven through by motor vehicles. This report is relevant to air pollution in Newark because the problems and possible solutions to air pollution presented in this report can be applied to Newark's air pollution problem
Local and surrounding areas has turned their heads to think about the disaster and health for the communities. Perth Amboy, has three outfalls, and the city is continually trying to improve ways in which upgrade their water systems. The plans being implaced are for long term, so the only way to help implement them to make them work is for the to start right now. There are so many communities that have to be dealt with so starting now was the best thing to do, thought out by them.
For reducing air pollution, the article suggested decreasing gas usage by walking, riding a bike, or taking public transportation. The article also suggested choosing a car with better miles per gallon or using an electric car.
Many of the 50,000 residents of Ironbound are overburdened by polluting facilities and air pollutants from the second largest seaport in the country, an international airport, and rail lines.
25% percent of the children in the community suffer from asthma, which is three times the state average.
The technical resources developed for the Ironbound community can be used by other communities across the country to develop their own air monitoring programs in areas where pollution is a concern.
The article informs its readers that there is an excess amount of lead in Newark's drinking water as of September 20, 2017. Five addresses had the tap water tested and the lead levels exceeded at least three times the federal standard and Newark's Water Department was informed. The article then explains the process at which Newark's Water Department must go through in response to the excess amount of lead and what residents must do.
Yes they have a way in plan to help address this issue to be resolved over the next couple years. Working with the commission, the students to help create better and improved ways to deal with sewage waste. Already there is a "solids and floatables" control that has been in place, which has significantly helped reduce the space that trash and other objects to not take up space that could be used by the water flow. This has also reduced the amount of trash that was getting dumped into waterways.
To help the government with air pollution, people can try to use their cars less. This can be done through walking, biking, or carpooling to their destinations. This will help lessen the usage of fossil fuels that decrease the air quality. Although this may not seem like much, if more and more people begin to do this, eventually the results will begin to show
Newark is considered an ironbound community because it is surrounded by industry all around it. Because of this, this leads to an increase in air pollution. On top of all that, the many roads that lead through Newark carry the harmful gases that pollute the air
C-URGE is a Doctoral Network centered in the Department of Anthropology at KU Leuven, Belgium, training doctoral candidates to research different perceptions on environmental and climatological urg