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This study examines how living with unsafe and degrading infrastructures leading to lead poisoning in Southern California is an embodied experience mediated by class, race, and late industrialism.

Core Analytical Categories

“Risk”  - a term that is used by multiple actors in my fieldsite; public health officials, environmental scientists, school board members and parents all use this term when referring to lead p

Designating Late Industrialism

This document charts the ways this project develops our understandings of late industrialism, and in turn, how late industrialism, as an analytic, increases our understanding of lead poisoning.




1) I did more research into our role and mental health in the EMS system as EMTs. I found this article to be particularly insightful: Managing Psychiatric Emergencies (

2) Bettering and improving EMS care by bypassing EDs and transporting patients to mental hospitals.


3) Learned about FEMAs policies and programs for mental health following a disaster in the U.S. (



The author of this article is Sonja D. Schmid. Sonja has degrees in science, technology and society (STS) as well as experience in organizational theory, disaster social issues, and studied risk in relation to different societies and cultures throughout the world.