Campus Copyright: Rights and Responsibilities
This policy guide explains the basics of American copyright law as it concerns universities, scholars, and scholarly publishers.
Zackery.WhiteVincanne Adams - Former director of Medical Anthropology with UC Berkeley.
Diana English - Assistant Professor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.
Taslim van Hattum - Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Research focuses on public health.
xiaoxThe end of the film shows the party before Kiara Lepora leaving. They have the meeting with local doctors and nurses, and they said MSF being there, work and then leave. A people said in the party, ‘I was told people over and over again, do not get used to any expatriate. As they go, other people come. And, do not expect any expatriate to come and stay forever. The work must go on. MSF’s work must go on. We told people that MSF is not about individuals. MSF is about everybody. The work must go on.’ It is a struggle parts for MSF, they want to help more people as they can, but they know they cannot stay there forever, they need to get it done and go back home. I agree and understand what the person said ‘MSF is not about individuals, and the work must go on’, it is most comfort words for each doctors and people who have been through the tough time. This is the most compelling part, because it is not only about the work, but also the human nature and feelings.
xiaox“The emotionally disturbed patient was punched multiple times in the face by the cops on July 20”
“Pt. was struck in the face by an officer ... pt. spit in the face of an officer, whereupon the officer punched the pt. in the face multiple times”
“After the first round of punches, the patient was "taken off the stretcher to the ground and restrained again, pt. was thrown by ESU again on to my stretcher”
Zackery.WhiteThis article is referenced in approximately 40 peer reviewed papers, mostly focusing on the psychological effects of post-disaster mental health.
xiaoxThere are 27 federal agencies that FEMA absorbed included, The Federal Insurance Administration, The National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, The national Weather Service Community Preparedness Program and so on. Besides, it cooperate with non-government organization such as Red Cross.
xiaoxThe American Red Cross has about 900 branches, and each club has duly authorized by national council. The chairman of the clubs have authority of deciding the most important programs and services. The annual budget will be allocated by National Associations to each club. There are lots of volunteers, doctors and nurse work for this organization.
Zackery.WhiteThe article's main argument is that by depoliticizing sexual violence, the ability for sexual violence victims to receive humanitarian aid is drastically reduced.
Website with an excellent (and brief) explanation of fair use to copyrighted materials, along with a useful fair-use checklist that can be used to assist in fair-use analysis.