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Diego Martin

This artifact has great relevance because it allows to control and measure the levels of contamination in the air of Newark. This is very helpful in order to fight pollution and have more data to help us maintain air sustainability. Air pollution is one of the most developed pollutions today, any technological investment that helps to have more information about this is good to combat this problem.


In response to

This image shows that as the number of family members increase, so does the annual income needed to provide the essential necessities for the whole family. This may be a problem for those working a less-paying job or a job paying the minimum wage. So, although everyone plans to have a family one day, if they want to save money in today`s working society, they either have to have less children or find a good-paying job or petition/request for a raise in their wages. 


Diego Martin

The participation of the EPA in the improvement of air pollution in Newark has a great relevance because it is an organization that has the ability to invest money in technologies that allow to have a greater knowledge of the levels of air pollution. This allows you to prevent problems and have more information to fight them better.