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Editing with Contributor



Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti: US-based nonprofit organization that focuses on human rights transgressions in Haiti

President Michel Martelly: Acting Haitian president at the time of this article. One of the main issues cited in Haiti is constant political turmoil

UN Peacekeeping: International task force that aids in disaster situations. Unfortunately, a Nepalese UN peacekeeping encampment introduced Cholera into the nation's largest water resource

USAID: United States Agency for International Development, US government institution responsible for administering civilian foreign aid


Alexi Martin

" the incorportation of health status in the provisions of the law, initially as a block to deportation and subsequently as grounds for granting residence, marked as a watershed."

"The logic of state soverignty in the control of migration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life."

"His body is finally the only social resource capable of causing a comparison that has been translated into law and would prehaps allow him to be granted permission to remain."



The report includes information gathered by both authors during the course of their own research, including citing several of their own publications within the report. Moreover, as a review article, the report includes work from other prominent epidemiologists, psychologists, and organizers of disaster relief; additionally, there appear to be several reports from various emergency response agencies providing data for prevalence of various mental disorders



As described by Governor Cuomo, Dallas was the first major US city to see an Ebola case. This, in turn, allowed New York leadership to have some semblance of what methods did or did not work when trying to contain the disease. Moreover, the policy was implemented in response to the major Ebola outbreaks occurring at this time. This included those within Africa, Europe, and cases seen in Dallas. Moreover, the policy follows the city's "Safe-than-sorry" methodology discussed by Governor Cuomo; he, along with other state and city leaders, believed assuming an Ebola outbreak would occur within the state would give them the best chance of mitigating its effects and minimizing disease spread.



Judge Batts: Deborah A Batts, sitting judge of the Manhattan Federal District Court at the time of these proceedings. She handed down the ruling that allowed the pursuit of the class action lawsuit.

Christie Whitman: Former EPA "leader" (chair) at the time of the 9/11 attacks. She and several other officials (unnamed in this article) are accused of misleading the public about air quality surrounding the tower site.

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency. Federal agency charged with matters pertaining to the environment, particularly those that concern public health. The EPA often aids in creating standards for environmental safety (including pollution and airborne particles).