EiJ Fall 2022: Group 19 Combo Disaster Case Study (Franklin High School, San Joaquin County)
This case study report was developed by students at the University of California Irvine for the undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice,” taught by Kim Fortun, Margaux Fisher, Gina Hakim, Pre
EiJ Fall 2022: Group 20 Combo Case Study (Edison Middle School, Kern County)
This case study report was developed by students at the University of California Irvine for the undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice,” taught by Kim Fortun, Margaux Fisher, Gina Hakim, Pre
EiJ 2022: Group 24 Slow Disaster Case Study (Dinuba High School)
This case study report was developed by students at the University of California Irvine for the undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice,” taught by Kim Fortun, Margaux Fisher, Gina Hakim, Pre
EiJ Fall 2022: Group 14 Slow Disaster Case Study (Sherman Elementary, San Diego County)
This case study report was developed by students at the University of California Irvine for the undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice,” taught by Kim Fortun, Margaux Fisher, Gina Hakim, Pre
Zackery.WhiteAlthough nothing is specifically mentioned the author has an affiliation with New York Medical school. American Medical Association.
Zackery.WhiteThe article is supported by data analysis of accepted individuals in order to show the change in policy's effect on the contrbution to population increase of immigrants for medical resaons. This also includes a description and examples of the different parts of the law.
This case study report was developed by students at the University of California Irvine for the undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice,” taught by Kim Fortun, Margaux Fisher, Gina Hakim, Pre