Event | Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Remembering Fukushima, 2021
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
This essay discusses the "afterlife" of Atomic America--an asynchronous online course that examines the nuclear sciences, technology, and engineering involved making atomic history in North America
Initiative to build a global record and capacity to address environmental injustice in different settings.
This is a case study collection focused on Pohang-Ulsan, South Korea.
Monday March 29 6pm PST (Tuesday March 30 10am JST)
Teaching and Governing Radiated Places
This essay focuses on radiation pedagogy and educational programs.
Monday March 15, 6 pm PST (Tuesday March 16, 10am JST)
Radiation Regulation, Past and Future
放射能規制 過去と未来