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It is said that EMTALA doesn't apply to ambulance services, technically this would be true. Yet, EMTALA does indeed effect our patients, and anything that effects our patients can effect us and should be a concern of ours as EMS providers. If EMTs are spending time in the hospital sorting out insurance issues and payment, that is more time they are out of service. Also, if the patient's treatment time is delayed, not only will the hospital be blamed, but so will EMS. If a patient is in cardiac arrest, EMTs will not be stopping and wasting time to find out insurance and payment issues from family members, that will be the last thought on their mind. They will be transporting and attempting to stabilize the patient. EMTs and EMS will not compromise the health of a patient due to insurance or payment issues, just like hospitals are now mandated to do.



I would say that the perspectives of the government as well as first responders were not included in this film. They were not able to communicate the stresses as well as the lack of resources and man power. There were no viewpoints from first responders or volunteers, having that testimony would have more accurately depicted the hardships that first responders and aid were facing.