The Radiological Protection System - Steve Terada
Steve Terada
Masters Student, Nagasaki University
Department of Disaster Radiation Medical Sciences
Joint Graduate Course with Fukushima Medical University
Reading Data Sets
Digital collection of annotated data sets.
COVID-19 Data Group Analytics
This is a list of analytics by the COVID-19 Data Group.
COVID 19 & Data Working Group Update: November 6, 2020
Research update by the COVID-19 Data Working Group.
Zackery.WhiteThis article discusses the health and living inequalities faced by individuals housed in Rikers correctional facilities. It discusses that when individuals are housed there they live in subpar conditions with very little representation in legislature. The infrastructure is crumbling and residences prone to flooding. It also touches on the life lived by post-incarceration individiuals. The end tells of the hardships faced by those because it leaves them without a steady home, very little financial assistance, and a sense of self destruction.
This case study report was developed in the class “Advanced Social Medicine'' in the Nagasaki University|Fukushima Medical University Joint Graduate School, Division of Disaster and Radiation Medic