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Alexi Martin

It brings people/organizations to face the hiding problem and improve because seeing actual statistics and the reality of what happened makes people want to act. Facts cause people to realize what had not occured, so the improper handling of hospital/evacuations will never happen again-people lost their lives. The government will realize they need to have more personalle available, as well as supplies and to control how their personalle treat others. Katrina shaped how emergency medical care works today, as every disaster is a teaching method of what to do and not to do in the future.



The real threats of air quality were covered up due to politics and other reasons, wanting to get america back to work. Instead, the reports were edited and people were sent back into the dirty air to clean up the scene or back to office jobs in the area, with contaminated air surrounding everything. Decontanimation efforts did not start until very late in the process. Bush did not wear a mask and the workers were told they didn't need to, so they didn't. As a result, there were severe health problems afterwards.


Alexi Martin
  1. “Studies of traumatic event experience have shown that most people who experience an event do not develop psychopathology”

“The field of disaster mental health has strong roots in research on the mental health consequences of war, specifically stemming from the experiences of WWI, WWII and the holocaust.”

“Some studies have observed increases in the use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes after disaster and some evidence shows that disaster victims use substances, particularly alcohol as a coping strategy.”


Alexi Martin

The main findings of this article include the discrepancy of actual health issues and its surfacing in the government. The article explores post-Soviet Union Ukraine and discovers the backbone of its economy consists of disability healthcare for those affected by radiation. The struggle to survive without an illness on a  bare economy where government funds help those who may be damamged by radiation and ignore the rest of the population.



Many studies look at intimate partner voilence (IPV), but only two previous studies look at it specifically related to a natural disaster, so this research is inventive in that way. It uses data from a larger study of the area that was hit by Katrina. The data was obtained through interviews, and in the period of time 6 months before Katrina to 6 months after, measures of psychological and physical IPV are analyzed. These measures were also compared to a scale of how stressful the individual's life had been in that time frame, which was reached based on answers to questions about how Katrina affected the individual.


Alexi Martin

The stakeholders that are described/portrayed in the film was the fate of Japan, the nuclear disasters in th past that shaked Japan, preventing the same thing from happening. The kinds of decisions they had to grapple with before the aftermath is the powerfailure, the lack of generators, and the affect the water had on the plant, and the future of the fuel rods. During the event they had to figure out how to stop the meltdown, how to restore power to the plant, how to help the engineers who had no choice but to be stuck inside, how to save Japan from nuclear fallout,etc. The aftermath was how to get the plant up and running again, the future of nuclear power in Japan, how to clean up and prevent further contamination of the land surrounding the plant. Also the health,safety and preperation of further nuclear power plant endeavors.


Alexi Martin

The main findings in the article is that illness cannot always be black or white sometimes there is shades of gray. This is described through the way the author chose to study and publish seizure disorders in Turkey. He recorded the history of events via a narrative. This was the stories are moer beautiful and detailed. While there may be bias, the 'narratives' describe their lives, a story that can be described across a language barrier.



" we aim to provide an overall picture of what we have learned from decades of research on the presentation, burden, correlates, and treatment of mental disorder following disasters. We also describe challenges to studyingdisaster-relatedpsychopathologyandlimitationsinourcurrentmethodologiesandoffer directions for future research."

"Childrenexposedtodisastersareparticularlyvulnerabletopsychologicalproblems,mostcommonly symptoms of anxiety (e.g., PTSD, panic, phobias) and depression but also acute stress reactionsandadjustmentdisorder(27).Elevatedvulnerabilityamongchildrenmaybeafunctionof their being less equipped to cope with what they have experienced (49)."

"Psychological first aid (PFA) has become the preferred post-disaster intervention, with three goals: Secure survivors’ safety and basic necessities (e.g., food, medical supplies, shelter), which promotes adaptive coping and problem solving; reduce acute stress by addressing post-disaster stressors and providing strategies that may limit stress reactions; and help victims obtain additional resources that may help them cope and regain feelings of control"