Ethnosketch, Peopling a Project: CA Homeless
Peopling a project with LA Homelessness/Shelter Beds
Ethnosketch, Competing Hegemonies: CA Homeless
Competing Hegemonies with LA Homeless/Shelter Beds
Ethnosketch, Mapping Subject Positions: CA Homeless
Mapping subject positions with LA Homelessness/Shelter beds
LA's Low Shelter Numbers
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
Homeless Population per SoCal Counties
Numbers of homeless within each southern California county and the number of shelter beds available.
Number of Sheltered Homeless
The number of homeless continues to grow, yet the number of shelter spaces available is still incredibly low.
Sleeping Rough
The Homeless Population is scattered all over LA city proper and LA county, but skid row is the most popular place known for the homeless in LA.
sydne.nanceIn comparison to other counties, Essex county has the largest number of children above the CDC blood lead level, 5% of Essex county children are affected. They surpassed Passaic County's 3.4%. This risk is more prominent in Essex county than any other group in the state.
sydne.nanceThis study addresses vulnerable populations because it explains that high blood levels, which is a sign of poverty, can have an impact on performance in testing. Even though information was not given pertaining to poverty in each subject, these conclusions can be drawn from other studies.
Core Categories in LA Homeless/Shelter Beds