maryclare.crochiereThey are partnered with some of the largest and most prestigious health care companies and institutes in the world, so that helps them to have cutting edge technology and as many resources as possible, given their budget. Those partners may encourage them to use their resources in particular ways, but overall, healthcare is the basis of each partner's goals, so they shouldn't be swayed in unethical ways.
maryclare.crochiereUsers can search by topic, by category, or by the type of post: field notes, briefing, etc. Rapid Questions can also be asked, which are typically answered within 72 hours.
maryclare.crochiereI looked into some of the big fires in America's history as well as the emergency response for them. It is very saddening to see how poor the response was back then and how many lives were lost unnecessarily, but at least we have improved.
maryclare.crochiereEmergency response is not addressed, but it could lead to more patients if illegal immigrants are more encouraged to seek advanced medical attention, and billing could be complicated, since it may be funded by the government.