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  • “Despite the urgency and impact of violence affecting health service delivery, there is an overall lack of research that is of health-specific, publically accessible and comparable, as well as a lack of gender-disaggregated data and data on perpetrator motives.”
  • “Conclusions on violence in the healthcare setting are limited and it is difficult to examine whether or not certain sectors of aid work, such as health, are more dangerous than others. This has consequences for analyzing the drivers of violence. Within humanitarian communities and the media, and, to a lesser extent, within some sectors of academia, portrayals of violence directly affecting health service delivery in complex security environments often accentuate nebulous, macro-level factors such as the ‘shrinking humanitarian space,’”
  • “increased collaboration in data collection and data sharing is essential, both between academics, human rights NGOs and organizations delivering health services and among representatives of the latter group. As part of this, aid organizations could do more to make their anonymized data public in order to support global responses on prevention and accountability”



Emergency response is not addressed in terms of the immediate response. The article focuses instead on the aftermath of the incident on Sept. 11th, dealing primarily with the cleanup efforts and investigation that followed in an effort to provide closure to the public and resume the regular business of the city, both important steps in recovering from a disaster.



Newark recommends to have things like handy in case they are needed:

  • flashlights
  • batteries
  • a first aid kit
  • emergency food and water
  • a non electric can opener
  • medicines
  • cash

they also recommend to put these things in a room that you deem safe along with a battery operated tv/radio, charge all your electronics and turn all the propane tanks in your possession off before the storm



The article focuses on the lasting effects of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent years of rebuilding that never fully repaired the communities and lives destroyed. The authors attribute a lasting sense of displacement to the treatment of survivors directly after the destruction of New Orleans, and the subsequent failures of the government to effectively support displaced survivors.



The study aimed to discover new or more effective methods of studying long term effects of exposure to toxic agents. It describes the new insights including the effectiveness of simple studies, ensuring control groups, and methods to do research by using ecological aspects or involving the community in places where medical researchers are not entirely trusted.



The authors are Paul E. Farmer, Bruce Nizeye, Sara Stulac, and Salmaan Keshavjee. All of the authors are involved with the nonprofit organization Partners in Health in some capacity, with experience working with rural or poverty stricken areas. Paul E Farmer, the primary author of the article is a medical doctor also working for the United Nations who has published many other articles on similar topics.



The film includes perspectives from the doctors, both the oncologists involved in primary care for their patients as well as specialists, both nurses and palliative doctors, to deal with the final months of treatment. The patients and their families provides the other viewpoints, with several families dealing differently with the situations they found themselves in.



The program is well regarded by the public, both international and the Hatian community. Articles have been written in many countries and the program recieved positive news coverege in Hatian news outlets and newspapers. Other emergency response organizations have also taken note of the program, and presented it as a successful relief effort.