Lead Pollution Data and Advocacy Resources (Santa Ana, California)
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
Benjamin Hoang talks about her academic and career interests, where she sees herself in 2050, her interest in environmental issues.
Maya is a science organizer with the Orange County Environmental Justice non-profit organization that focuses on low-income communities in the county that are exposed to pollutants more tha
The Newark Resilience Action Plan (RAP) team comprises of the Ironbound Community Corporation, New Jersey Environment Justice, and Clean Water Action.
In terms of precaution regarding air pollution, the article talks about making good choices of transportation which means to walk or bike or take public transportation whenever feasible; choosing cars that have better mileage per gallon or electric cars; buying food locally grown rather than food from other places in order to reduce air pollution.