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Alexi Martin

The methods and data used to produce the claims in the argument was presenting a problem that is often seen in rural areas-AIDS in Rwanda and showing data that showered a decrease in the problem to show that social conditions affect the likelyhood of being infection with a diease.


Alexi Martin

This article has be referenced/discussed through those looking at gender in the role of humaity by groups who are human rights activists, those who treat people in third world areas. As well as an international outreach website that supports treatment of those who have been abused.


Alexi Martin

The methods, tools and data used to produce the arguments made in the article are using historical epidemics such as AIDS, TB and smallpox (the benefits and risk analysis to provide vaccines. Through discussing and analyzing these historical events, health officials can discover how to properly assess future data in preventing disease


Alexi Martin

"For example, workshop participants suggested that in some causes armed groups may feel they needed to kidnap a doctor in order to recieve care; or perhaps soliders at a chekcpoint are concerned that an ambulance may contain explosives and obstruct deliever of health services in order to prevent bombing"

"Although violence directly affecting health service delievery in complex security enviornments has recieved a great deal of media attention, theres very little publically avaliable research, particularly peer reviewed, original research"

"Because rporting often focuses on the most serious attacks, such as kidnapping and fatalities, workshop participants stressed that incidents precieved to be less severe such as threats and obstructions are less likely to be underreported"



The nation’s busiest subway system sustained the worst damage in its 108 years of operation on October 29, 2012, as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Millions of people were left without service for at least one week after the storm, as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority rapidly worked to repair extensive flood damage (Photo credit: William Vantuono, Railway Age Magazine, 2012).



Alexi Martin

" the incorportation of health status in the provisions of the law, initially as a block to deportation and subsequently as grounds for granting residence, marked as a watershed."

"The logic of state soverignty in the control of migration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life."

"His body is finally the only social resource capable of causing a comparison that has been translated into law and would prehaps allow him to be granted permission to remain."