COVID-19 Rapid Student Interview Project
This project aims to provide an engaging project for post-secondary students (undergraduate and graduate) to gain experience with qualitative research methodology while contributing to public
This project aims to provide an engaging project for post-secondary students (undergraduate and graduate) to gain experience with qualitative research methodology while contributing to public
This gives the companies a bad rap and the communities near the chemical harm.
The news and social media gave information about the up coming strom, Hurricane Sandy. They wanted to make sure that people who were clos to danger had to move away and find a safe house or shelter.
First of all I would like to highlight the first source used in the new. The map with the risk on air polution in Newark.
Now I'll point out the two qutes suggested:
"Air quality was analyzed using proximity to 5 factors: major roads, truck routes, rail lines, Newark airport are all nonpoint sources and facilities that have violated their major permit at least once within the last 3 years are point sources. Point sources were buffered 1 miles for the area of high risk, and 1.5 miles for the area of elevated risk."
(at the begging of the last paragraph)
"This project is an attempt to identify those areas of high risk and the people being affected by poor air quality. It can be used to inform the public about their risk and to influence policy makers and developers."
(the fourth paragraph)
NJ Transit as kind enough to stay open for people to be transported safely from danger.
Putting houses up high and making pits deep enough to slow thw water down not damage the house. Houses on higher ground or built higher can lessen the damage costs and repairs to less money.
seeing that dump trucks and more are being transferred the newark as a dumping ground. This causes a lot ofharmful chemicals to appear.
After the storm, In Newark, people from different communities helped out to rebuild their city and improve it to make sure that the next strom will not do any more damage.
As they sustain in their web page, their goal is: no poverty, zero hunger, good health weel being, quality educational, gender quality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastucture, reduced inequality, sustainable cities, partnership goals, peace, justice, strong institucions, life below water, and much much more.
What is more they divide their focus, though, on three ways: sustainable development, democratic governance and climate and disaster resiliance.
After the storm, transportation was little to no opporational when it comes to families trying to get somewhere safe.