Radioactive Performances: Teaching about Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and its release of radioac- tive contamination, the Japanese state put into motion risk communica- tion strategies to explain the danger of radiation e
Seismic St. Louis
Emily SekineI'm interested in better understanding the ongoing geological processes that shape St. Louis and the Mississippi Valley region. So far, I've been looking into the history of seismicity in the region, focusing on the fascinating but little known history of the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 -- the most devastating earthquakes to have hit the US east of the Rockies. I've also been exploring how St. Louis and surrounding areas are dealing with the possibility of another earthquake occurring in the future. According to one article I read, one of the biggest uncertainties is what would happen to the heavily engineered Mississippi River in the case of another major tremblor. The shaking could break the levees, flooding wide areas along the river and creating cascading effects. The flow of the river might also reverse completely, as occurred during the New Madrid earthquakes.
On these possibilities and the lack of scientific consensus surrounding intraplate seismicity in this zone, see this article in The Atlantic.
On current efforts to create earthquake hazard maps in St. Louis, see this overview on the US Geological Survey site.
For a deeper dive into the history of the New Madrid earthquakes, see this book by historian of science Conevery Bolton Valencius.
Alexi Martin
The three points that I looked up further was Dr. Alblhassen Astech Asl, Labtrobe, and the history of fire safety measures in buildings
Alexi MartinThe data used to produce the arguments made in the article included quotes from experts, figures and facts of immigration in France, examples of medical immigration reasoning and historical knowledge of medical immigration in Frnace.
Alexi MartinThe event/series of events that caused the report to be published was the investigation of the preparation for and the reposonse to Hurricane Katrina- how was it a failure.
Alexi MartinUsers enter basic information, such as their name, age, area (where they live). Their biggest concern regarding their mental health and how they heard about their app, past mental history is also added as well as payment information if required.
Alexi MartinThe program is funded by the IAEA
Alexi MartinEmergency response is discussed in the article through being prepared for nuclear disasters. An international response team responds to nuclear disasters, how to be prepared, what to be prepared for, having it be in all different languages,etc.
Alexi MartinThe study was perfomed by taking three groups of people from a diverse hospital in Brooklyn-patients, administrators and physicsans and asks them the same ballpark set of question about cultural competence. And how it affects a patient-physician relationship. This is not a new way of studying issues, case studies are quite a common way (in group questioning) to determine how "populations" feel about a topic.
In the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, citizen scientists collectively tracked and monitored residual radioactivity in Japan, legitimizing alternative views to an official assessm