Pohang: POSCO Museum
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
Alexi MartinUsers enter basic information, such as their name, age, area (where they live). Their biggest concern regarding their mental health and how they heard about their app, past mental history is also added as well as payment information if required.
Alexi MartinThe program is funded by the IAEA
Alexi MartinEmergency response is discussed in the article through being prepared for nuclear disasters. An international response team responds to nuclear disasters, how to be prepared, what to be prepared for, having it be in all different languages,etc.
Alexi MartinThe study was perfomed by taking three groups of people from a diverse hospital in Brooklyn-patients, administrators and physicsans and asks them the same ballpark set of question about cultural competence. And how it affects a patient-physician relationship. This is not a new way of studying issues, case studies are quite a common way (in group questioning) to determine how "populations" feel about a topic.
Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.