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The study is in the Annual Review of Public Health. This is just one journal out of many Annual Reviews; the studies/ topics published are solely related to public health, such as epidemiology, biostatistics, and health services. Health professionals use the Annual Review to look at major articles in Public Health, for research, and for teaching.


Annotation of

The connection for the patients and the providers can build upon the gamified health assessment via the smart phone device. Then these data are input to the provider’s section and the organizations’ section for further analytical uses. The engagement with the patients can also be done with licensed Video Chat for therapy. Or the let the patients input their information with a trackable plan.



Emergency response is addressed in the "Post-Disaster: Preventing and Treating Mental Health Conditions" section, with the debriefing done by emergency responders referenced. However, critical incident stress debriefing hasn't shown to be effective in the recovery process or preventing mental health disorders. Psychological first aid (PFA) is suggested as a post-disaster intervention, but it seems like a duty for mental health care providers, not emergency responders. 



The main point of the article is that private ambulance and fire department agencies have questionable policies and business practices that hurt not only patients but also their employees. It's supported with anecdotal evidence following several agencies that have filed for bankruptcy, going over incidents of lateness, understaffing, lack of supplies, and aggressive billing or lawsuits to get payments from patients.



The aim of the program is to provide courses to train Haitians to enhance their rehabilitation skills as Haiti has a lack of the rehabilitation professionals (this situation happened with both of before the earthquake and aftermath). After taking the courses, the citizens can either be rehabilitation technicians or orthopedic technicians.



Almost all of the references cited in the bibliography were taken from Google Scholar, implying that the authors used this database to collaborate on the article through the internet. Many of the articles cited were from Paul Farmer's own works, so he also seems like the main contributor to the article.